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Sunday, February 4, 2024 1:00PM
Image of kids standing around in a circle
Pick Me Last, a Sensory Inclusive Performance

Item details


Sunday, February 4, 2024 1:00PM


Presented by the Hobby Center

Houston’s very own The Ensemble Theatre, known for offering five family productions annually in their home theater in Midtown will relaunch the Hobby Center’s Sensory Inclusive performance series on February 4 in the Hobby Center’s Zilkha Hall. The one-hour performance Pick Me Last is a fun, vibrant and engaging show with a multitude of interesting characters written by the award-winning playwright Idris Goodwin. Infused with music and poetry, the play promotes showing kindness and acceptance to people who are different than you and celebrates diversity.  A great family outing for all ages!


Founded in 1976, The Mission of the Ensembe Theatre is to preserve African American artistic expression and enlighten, entertain and enrich a diverse community.   

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