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Saturday, November 2, 2024 7:30PM
A picture of inside The Hobby Center
Vigorous Spirit

Item details


Saturday, November 2, 2024 7:30PM


Presented by Houston Contemporary Dance Company

Houston Contemporary Dance Company will present Vigorous Spirit as a part of their 6th Season. This concert will present Citizen which will be restaged on HCDC by internationally recognized performer and choreographer, Yin Yue. This work blends dynamic and expressive movement, together with dramatic original musical scoring which reflects the intensity of the times we were living then and now. They will also present notable and exhilarating works from their repertoire including Sincerely Yours by Princess Grace Award Winning, Norbert De La Cruz III, One Thousand Pieces by NYC based choreographer Brandon Coleman and Sensorium by Houston Ballet’s Soloist and choreographer, Jack Wolff.

Come see these four artistic works come together for one night only!

For a group rate of 10 or more tickets please call 713-315-2525 option.4

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